So yes, first piece of news - i have back pain. And specifically i have sciatic nerve pain which is causing me great amounts of soreness and tension in my right calf. Sandy can testify to what its done to my ability to walk anywhere! It hurts like nothing on earth! Had today off and went for a nice massage which was actually quite sore, but i'm sure its done me some good. The bugging thing is because of my physio training i kinda know what i'm dealing with and i know what i would really like done, but i dont want to have to be referred for physio through the NHS cos that'll take forever, and i havent been bothered to try to find a private physio to do anything about it. It just needs a little manipulation of my lumbar spine, but its irritating that i cant do it myself! My posture is appaulling and i know that doesnt help. So yeh, needless to say i wasnt at badminton tonight!
Second piece of news - i have a holiday from work next week :-D yaaaay! long time coming! And thanks to Ali and Helen swapping shifts / doing extra work, i get the whole week off instead of just mon-wed. Libby doesnt have the abundance of staff she thought she did so i was going to have to work thursday / friday.... actually i told her if she was really really struggling then i could work those two days (which would have been much to the annoyance of Chris and Sandy who have been pestering me for months about taking a holiday from work and would have shouted at me if i'd worked!) So i'm off down to london on monday (note to self - book tickets!) til wednesday. Staying at David's flat and spending tuesday with Neil. We're going to do the touristy london eye / thames cruise thing and also go to see One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest at night. Should be quite good. I'm looking forward to it, but i'm praying that things dont fall back into the ways they were a few months ago. But that's the reason i'm staying with David ... to avoid that situation happening.
Third piece of news - technically not mine, but i'm happy about it so i'll share. Chris bought (in terms of the offer has been accepted but the paperwork still needs to be sorted out) a flat on Lockerbie Road today. Well, the offer he put in was accepted today so that's brilliant :-) I'm really happy for him. Everything seems to be working out for him down here, he got his job without an interview, the first flat he's put an offer in on has been accepted... he's totally settling down here. Kinda scary i'll bet but very cool at the same time! So i'm looking forward to lots of flat-moving / decorating parties in the not so distant future :) I wonder if Hugh will actually move into the spare room when Chris gets the keys to the new abode... Its a distinct possibility i would think.
Fourth piece of news - I'm not going to blaithwaite in the summer any more ..... :-( I'm totally gutted about it, but i'm needed to work and to be honest i would rather work than have libby reduce more members of staff to tears over that week. I'm nice that way. that's how i ended up with very very little holidays last year. I worked over summer, and christmas... and easter come to think of it. But hey, i get next week off and i'm definitely getting the 3rd week in July off to do Glenshee and i think i'll try and get the last week of the summer holiday off as well to do a camp at Scoughall... and i actually would quite like the first week in september off too so that i can go to a Spring Harvest Holiday (which would be a holiday for me rather than a camp where i'd have to do work) so we'll see. Lots of things going on at work tho so i'll just have to play it by ear to see what i can and cant do. And i think i might have to try to be more forceful.... but i dont see it happening any time soon.
Fifth and last piece of news - I had a great weekend in Whithorn last weekend. It was just brilliant. Good company, great weather, great food... all in all a smashing time. Loved it. Was so nice just to chill out with the gang and get to know some of them a little better. Got some cracking photos too. Wanna see?.....
Muchos fun :-)
Anyway, i gotta go cos my back is causing problems being in this position.... will fill you in more on the whithorn trip in another post... plus there's probably other news i've forgotten to include....
its a mental lightning / thunder storm outside at the moment so i think i should probably switch off and unplug my comp before i fry something!
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