Thursday, January 26, 2006

My day...

well i didnt get enough sleep last night, and i really didnt want to get up this morning. Starting work at 8 is never a nice thought... especially when staying in bed is so much more appealing. Managed to drag myself out of bed at 7.25am tho.... so no time for a shower this morning. Thankfully my hair didnt look too bad cos sometimes its just ugh if it hasnt been washed but then there are days like today when it actually can look better than it does when its just washed... why is that?!
Anyway, work was.... much the same as it normally is. Fairly quiet morning. We have cleaned pretty much everything possible in the shop this week. Because of the new health and hygiene laws we have a lot more cleaning to do during the week of various things like the chiller cabinet, all the surfaces, the syrup shelf, the fridge upstairs, all the shelving under the counter, the ice machine, the big bin, the top of the coffee machine.... etc etc etc.... plus each month we have to defrost two freezers (we have 4 altogether so we rotate what ones we clean from month to month).... the problem has been that its been quite quiet in the mornings so we've busied ourselves with all the odd cleaning jobs that we need to do and then come thursday and friday we've pretty much done all of them or we cant do the ones we havent cos, for example, you cant exactly clean the big bin when there are customers in the shop cos you need to use it. Colleen and Mhairi defrosted a freezer this morning. It was upstairs so that was ok. No floods in the shop with melting ice... thankfully. We have had enough floods to last a lifetime in that shop! The floor is already buckling (AGAIN) and i think lib will have a fit if we have any more disasters with dishwashers. Levin (our ice machine) is doing much better in his new home upstairs in the kitchen. He seems to really like his elevated position and hasnt wet himself once since he moved. *thinks to herself*... oh that would be sooooo funny! I might see if i can do that. *is considering doing an online JK Gazette :-) - Bennett'll get what i mean* Could even have multiple authors...... interesting.... hmmmm.....
So yes, i was working at 8.... til 4. The day seemed to drag and yet now it is after 10pm and it seems to have passed quite quickly. Work got a little busy at times but nothing like it has been in the past. i even let Mhairi go for a break at 1255pm! and that is not normally recommended cos come 1pm it normally gets busy. But it was actually ok. Luke, Colleen and I managed fine... fair enough the dishes did pile up a wee bit but it was manageable.
And then when i finished work i came home, got changed and felt really hungry but didnt feel like eating. Plus i was going out to an alpha celebration evening thing at 6pm which had a buffet so i didnt really want to eat anything before i went. I was playing / singing in the little worship band and it was actually a really nice evening. Got to see a few people i did the alpha course with, plus spotted a number of people who come into the shop for coffee on a regular basis which was bizarre. It was a very encouraging evening tho. And really nice to see Colin and Fiona again - they were on my alpha course and became christians during the course. Its great to see them continuing with their new found faith and they are so fun to talk to. They shared a little about their experience on the alpha course in the meeting - kept everyone entertained!
So now i am just back home, chillin out... gonna play some "painted yahtzee" online when i finish this.... its brilliant... kinda like normal yahtzee but you get more points for other things like "rainbow" and "painted house" ... its on - that's one of my links... i think its the "online games galore" link.... tho i could be wrong.
Apologies if this is boring... i'm not as naturally witty as Alastair or as random as Colin!

1 comment:

Alastair said...

Im not so much naturally witty, its more just naturally weird. Twas interesting hearing about the wonders of working in that wonderful place, theres some days that I almost miss working ridiculously hard, but then I come to my senses, even though there were good times.
And speaking of Alpha, the uni is starting it's course again, with the launch night next monday which should be good. I need to remember to go to it.
And finally, our cu is having a ceilidh soon!!! Hoorah, should be amazing, jiggered are even coming to play at it. i feel you will understand just how happy this makes me =)